3 Ways to Make Back-To-School Exciting for Everyone

3 Ways to Make Back-To-School Exciting for Everyone

As the summer starts to wind down and the kids get a little more anxious for the start of school it is only natural that we look around at our lives and wonder "where did the summer disappear to?" A cascade of pool parties, weekends away, and beach days have left us nicely tanned but also feeling a little lost and adrift as we may have neglected some routines for the past while in favor of some much-deserved relaxation time. It is almost like a second New Years then to take a look at who we are and what we want for ourselves.

Back to school time was always my favourite. New books and binders and backpacks always held the image of being organized and motivated to go into a new year and "get it right" that time around. More than anything, I was excited to get learning again. No matter how satisfying the beach can feel it is nothing compared to the feeling of growth from becoming a more full version of yourself. Sure, back to school is for the kids, but it also means there is a lot of free time for you now and we have put together some ideas on how to get a groove back while learning and growing.

1. Signing up for a new class in your area

Kids don't have to be the only ones going back to school. You could absolutely teach yourself new things on youtube but there is something about the atmosphere of a classroom and other people holding you accountable that pushes you to the next level. Take a new language class (and visit that country next summer), learn how to make a website (and create a new side hustle), or take a cooking class (and make nutrition fun AND tasty). 

2. Start with a new gym around the corner

Fitness plans are sort of a standard when it comes to starting fresh but it's for good reason. When you treat your body right your mind follows and cascades down into every aspect of your life. On top of that, you're physically growing and getting stronger, which can't be ignored. It is challenging, rewarding, and can be very fun to try a new gym or style of workout. Try spinning, learn to swim, give crossfit a try, rock a zumba class - whatever gets you thinking and growing in a new way!

3. Start volunteering in your area

When you start helping others you always end up helping yourself. Volunteering in your area could be just the change to shake up your routines and get you learning and growing again. At the very least, you'll meet some new people and learn about their lives - at the most, you may start changing their lives and your own along with theirs. You can start small at your kid's school, try out a local food bank or shelter, visit a retirement home, or look to team up with local businesses that want to give back.

Learning and growing are what make the relaxing days even sweeter. It's true we need our down time but the sweetest parts of life come when we can make it more full and satisfying. Back to school time means back to work time but it can absolutely be a fresh start as well. Your challenge for this next week is to come up with a way that you want to start learning and growing again this September. We don't care if that means taking the same maths class as your son or daughter - it just has to be new and challenging for you! And then we would love to hear what you have planned and how it works out for you!

Change can be hard but we have your back and it is absolutely worth the effort.

We look forward to hearing from you soon! 

Until next week,


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