Cute Puppy Story
We just recently got a new puppy after our 13 year old Border Collie, Kelsey, passed away this past December. It was absolutely one of the hardest things in the world (as any dog owner will know) but we are dog people and we love to have a pup around to put some extra joy into our everyday activities. Despite that attitude, accepting Ally into our world was a little weird. Kels was the smartest dog in the world and a new puppy just didn’t seem to live up to all that she was.
Border Collies are NOT to be Under-Estimated
Well, silly us. At 4 months old, Ally girl is shaping up to be every bit as smart as Kels. My dad, Big D, is completely against the puppy being up on the bed. Kat and I want to cuddle and think it is super cute but he usually ends up winning and down she goes. The bed she wants on is REALLY tall and she can’t get up herself so today, in two tries, I got her up this ladder onto the bed. She only does it when he isn’t around and doesn’t even need a treat to entice her now.
Welcome to the fold Ally :)